Submitting to the Directory

If you are a UK or Irish poet and would like to submit to the Directory please read the submission guidelines below.

Collections: If you have a chapbook/pamohlet/collection published with a UK or Irish press and would like it to be listed on the Directory, please send the following information 

Your Name/ Title/ Publisher & a link to a website where your work can be found/bought.

Showcase: To submit a showcase poem you need to have sent in the information for your collection (see above). Please send one poem from your collection via email

192 Magazine: Please read the submission guidelines below.

Poetry Readings: If you have a video of you reading your work, please send the YouTube link via email. Unfortunately the site does not support other sites at the moment. You do not have to have a collection or published book to feature in the readings section.

Spoken Word: Please send a WAV file over via email. The file will be uploaded to the Directory SoundCloud page. All rights and ownership remain with the poet. A small introduction of the poem, and some background context to the poem is welcome. If you would like to submit a photo or image that will be used as a placeholder on SoundCloud, please send one across with your submission. If no image is submitted then the lovely Directory phonebox will be used. 

Poetry Competitions/Opportunities: If you run a competition or a journal and want to be added to the monthly submission opportunity list, please email over your details.

Magazines and Presses: If you run a magazine or press, or know of any that are not listed on the site, please email the details over and they will be added on. UK & Ireland only please.

Spotlight poets are by invitation only.

The email address for all correspondance and submissions is


192 Poetry Ezine

Submissions for Issue 3 are Open!

192 Magazine takes its name from the original directory enquiries phone number here in the UK, so we thought that it would offer a nice sense of symmetry. We are looking to produce a magazine that showcases the best that the contemporary moment has to offer. We like good poetry, whatever that looks like, so please send us your best, favourite or weirdest work, and hopefully it'll find a home here.

We are not massive, nor do we have any influence beyond our sphere, but we hope that our little voice will turn into a roar over the coming years. So stick with us.

Submission Guidelines.

The deadlines are as follows: May 31st

Please complete the google form and upload up to 4 poems on a word doc.

Simultaneous submissions are fine, just let us know if you are accepted elsewhere.

Please send all poems in one document.

We publish 25 poems per issue, no more, no less, so please don't feel bad if you don't make the final cut.

Send a short bio of around 75 words with your submission.